Seylaneh Sabz Co Is one of the largest manufacturers, importers, and distributors of hygiene products in the Middle East. The headquarter and customer services offices are located in Tehran. This corporation has more than 150 subsidiary companies in 31 cities across the Middle East. The professional marketing research department is created to study consumers' buying habits and preferences. The Research and development department's focus is to ensure the products are reformulated to the latest technology. This company is one of the most known brands with trusted quality products in Iran and the Middle East. Seylaneh Sabz Co's products significantly impact economic growth in Iran through import, export, and manufacturing.

Our Values

Create innovative unique healthcare brand that consumers love forever

Our Purpose

1. Becoming a leading healthcare products provider fueled by innovation, quality, and customer trust to create a world of healthier & happier people


2. Fueled by innovation, quality, and customer trust, we are creating a world of healthier & happier people


3. We are creating a world of healthier & happier people